Sofia our seductive temptress @Laval Nuru

  • Published date: Octobre 10, 2023
    • Laval Ouest, Laval Ouest, Québec, Canada

Come try the best erotic massage in Laval and choose YOUR GIRL yourself.
Our priority is to make your wildest and deepest fantasies come true.
We make sure that your needs and wants are met anytime and every time..
Come meet us in a Walk-in or call for a booking!!
We will always make time and space for YOU!!

Sofia : Mexican. 34DD . Lustrous Black hair. She got Curve at the right place ; the nicest body you'll see in a long time. Gorgeous face and beautiful body. 5foot2. 29 yrs old . Super sweet and sexy and she Offers Fetishes, couple & Duo .Sofia loves the closeness and intimacy between you and her.

Click here ->
2049 desserte Nord , 440 ouest Laval (pres du sexshop)
450-934-9557 (call)

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  • Ce site n'est jamais impliqué dans aucune transaction, et ne contribue en aucun paiement, livraison, garantie, transaction, fraude, ou n'offre aucune "protection à l'acheteur" ou "certification de vendeur".

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